Monday, December 2, 2019

New Trades

The following CSP positions were established today. All prices include IB commissions.

ALB $65.43 P $60.00 -8.29% 15 85% 12/20/2019 18$6,000.00 $51.90 0.87% 17.54%
FL $39.96 P $37.50 -6.16% 18 82% 12/20/2019 18$3,750.00 $32.90 0.88% 17.79%
INTC $57.64 P $55.00 -4.58% 20 80% 12/20/2019 18$5,500.00 $34.90 0.63% 12.87%
MGA $55.07 P $52.50 -4.67% 18 82% 12/20/2019 18$5,250.00 $37.90 0.72% 14.64%
WSM $68.54 P $65.00 -5.16% 20 80% 12/20/2019 18$6,500.00 $58.90 0.91% 18.37%

The following BPS positions were established today. All prices include IB commissions.

BDX $256.86 P 240.00/245.00 -4.62% 18 82% 12/20/2019 18 $500.00 $49.41 9.88%
BLK $490.52 P 465.00/470.00 -4.18% 23 77% 12/20/2019 18 $500.00 $72.41 14.48%
CAT $143.88 P 133.00/137.00 -4.78% 19 81% 12/20/2019 18 $400.00 $39.83 9.96%
CMI $182.17 P 167.50/172.50 -5.31% 17 83% 12/20/2019 18 $500.00 $47.41 9.48%
DPZ $294.50 P 270.00/275.00 -6.62% 16 84% 12/20/2019 18 $500.00 $50.41 10.08%
LMT $387.04 P 365.00/370.00 -4.40% 17 83% 12/20/2019 18 $500.00 $46.41 9.28%
NOC $346.00 P 325.00/330.00 -4.62% 21 79% 12/20/2019 18 $500.00 $59.41 11.88%
SWK $154.99 P 140.00/145.00 -6.45% 14 86% 12/20/2019 18 $500.00 $38.41 7.68%