Friday, January 25, 2013

NTAP - New Position

A new CSP position was established today on NetApp, Inc (NTAP). All prices include IB commissions.

This non-Dividend Champion position meets the minimum requirement of 12% Downside Protection and 12% Annualized Return.

Downside Protection14.45%
Annualized Return15.10%
Fair Value Estimate$39.00
Target Buy Price$27.30
Target Margin of Safety30.00%
Actual Buy Price$31.00
Actual Margin of Safety20.51%

DateStockDescriptionTransactionStatusStock InvestmentIncome Generated
1/25/2013NTAPCSP Margin UsedCSP 100 NTAP @ 31.00 ($3,100.00) 
1/25/2013NTAPInitial Put OptionSTO 1 Feb13 31.00 Put @ 0.27  $26.93

Position Summary

Cost Basis($3,100.00)
Income Generated$26.93
Percent Income Generated0.87%
Annualized Income Generated15.10%
Net Profit If Closed$26.93
Percent Return If Closed0.87%
Annualized Return If Closed15.10%
Days Held to Expiration21 days